5 questions avec…. Sander Van Wassenhove

1. Sander, tell us how and when the Ghent Magnets started? R: It was back in 2008 when me and some players of Ghent Rugby U17 and U19 started a team for the Flanders Beach Tournament (back than in Wenduine). We actually prooved to be realy good and we became 7th, competing in the regular […]
5 Questions with… Cesare Zambelli

1. Cesare you were one of the Beach 5s pioneer. Could you tell us how everything started? It was 20 years ago and started out pretty much as a joke amongst a group of rugby teammates who either worked or usually spent the holidays in Lignano Sabbiadoro. The first time out was an historic match […]
People Who Matter … Alan Pearey

Last year we had the privilége of being visited by Alan Pearey, one of the Rugby World Mag editors, with our tournament ending being of the september edition highlights. After, we challenged Alan to share some thoughts with us. Q: Thanks for agreeing to share some thoughts about the beach rugby phenomenon, Alan. Your visit […]
Christian-Quintane Thoughts

FBRI: Hi Christian! The Minots have confirmed their presence in the Figueira Beach Rugby 2020 edition. What are your expectations for the tournament? CQ: The Minots will be present at the Figueira da Foz tournament, because I consider as many people that the Figeira da Foz tournament is the most important beach rugby tackle tournament, […]